Monday 11 April 2016

Materi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Giving Suggestion and Responses beserta Soal

Materi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Giving Suggestion and Responses beserta Soal - Hai teman semua. Apa kabar ? Semoga kalian dalam keadaan baik selalu ya. Karena dengan nikmat sehat kita bisa menuntut ilmu. Hehehe. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai Materi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Giving Suggestion and Responses beserta Soal. Kalian tentu tahu bukan apa itu suggesti ? Ya suggesti itu merupakan ajakan halus yang tidak bersifat memaksa. 

Materi bahasa Inggris tentang Giving Suggestion and Responses adalah salah satu materi bahasa Inggris yang sering keluar dalam ulangan semester. Jadi kalian harus benar-benar memahami materi ini. Supaya jelas tentang Materi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Giving Suggestion and Responses ini perhatikanlah dialog di bawah ini.

In pair, read the following transactional dialogue before the class.
Maya    : Hi, Mira. What are you doing?
Mira      : Oh, Uhm. I  am reading some stories. You know, Mr. Agus Wuryanto asked us to submit the
              Story before we tell it to the class.
Maya    : Oh ya, I see. By the way. Have you  got the right one?
Mira      : Actually, I still confuse what kinds of stories I will choose; fable, fairy tales, legend or what…
Maya    : I’d like to suggest that you’d better to choose “fable”. It is short, simple and easy to 
Mira      : It sounds like a good idea. Ok , I’ll choose “fable”. Indonesian fable “ The Deer and the
  Crocodiles”. Thanks for your suggestion.
Maya    : you are welcome.

Pada bagian yang diberi garis bawah pada percakapan Maya itu adalah Expression of Giving Suggestion

Sedangkan pada percakapan Mira yang diberi garis bawah adalah Responses of Suggestion.

Agar lebih jelas lagi tentang Giving Suggestion and Responses perhatikan dan jawablah soal-soal di bawah ini.

Activity 6.
In pair, answer these questions.
1.     Who are they?
2.     What are they talking about?
3.     What was confused by Mira?
4.     Did she get the solution?
5.     Who gave the solution?
6.     What did Maya say to Mira?
7.     Can give more example about the expression of giving suggestion?

Adapun beberapa Expression of Giving Suggestion and Responses dalam bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan antara lain :

Learn these expression.

Expression of giving suggestions

I think it is better if….
I suggest you …..
I’d like to suggest that…
It is better for you to…
For sure, it is better to….

I think it’s a good idea
It sounds like a good suggestion
Your suggestion is right.
Thanks for your suggestion
It is clear now. Thank you
Thanks for your suggestion

Activity 8.
Write transactional/interpersonal dialogue containing expression of giving and responding suggestion based on the following situation.
1. You and your friend are in an education exhibition. You confuse what university you will apply after
    graduating from high school. Your friend gives his/her suggestion.
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
2. You and your family are in a book store. All books displayed are interesting. You confuse. Some of
    your family member give you his/her suggestion.
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
3. You are in sport shop. You want to buy new basket ball shoes. There are two brand; Nike and
   Adidas. The shop attendant suggest what brand is better in quality and price.
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y      : _________________________________________________________________________
    X      : _________________________________________________________________________
    Y     : _________________________________________________________________________
Semoga  Materi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Giving Suggestion and Responses beserta Soal ini bisa menjawab kegalauan kalian tentang materi bahasa inggris yang satu ini. Jika kalian masih belum mengerti silahkan berkomentar. Semoga nilai Bahasa Inggris kalian bisa meningkat terus ya. Tetap semangat belajar. Manfaatkan waktu. Sekarang sudah zaman modern jadi manfaatkanlah kemajuan teknologi untuk menuntut ilmu.


  1. makasih banyak yaa gan,ini materi pelajaran kelas ane hehehe
    ijin ctrl + d yaaa

  2. So do ouwant give me somethingg ? :v

  3. Ngomong ngomong ini buat kelas berapa gan ?

  4. mantab nih . mayan buat belajar biar lebih mahir bahasa inggrisnya :D
