Tuesday 3 March 2015

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Berkaitan Dengan Simple Past Tense Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Berkaitan Dengan Simple Past Tense Bahasa Inggris Terbaru - Tahukah Anda apa yang dimaksud dengan simple past tense dalam bahasa inggris ? Yapz. Langsung saja, simple past tense adalah suatu rumus dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan pada saat menyatakan sebuah kejadian pada masa lampau. Atau dengan kata lainnya adalah kejadian yang sudah terjadi. Kata kunci yang paling penting dalam simple past tense ini adalah " kejadian yang sudah terjadi" . Entah itu kemarin, tahun lalu, minggu lalu, bahkan 1 menit yang lalu. Intinya kejadian itu sudah terjadi. Berikut Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Berkaitan Dengan Simple Past Tense Bahasa Inggris Terbaru :

1. Sentence Pattern
Keterangan waktu
1.     S + V2 + O/Ket
2.     S+ did not V1+ O/Ket
3.     Did + S + V1+ O/ket
Last …….
at that time
To be: was, were

   2. Function
       To express an activity that is done in a single time in the past.
   3. Examples
            1. They held  to meet two days ago
            2. Indri bought some fruits  yesterday
            3. Fathur  visited his village in Aceh in 2004 when Tsunami destroyed it
            4. I wrote a letter to my grandpa last week
            5. Sherly came to see me yesterday morning.

Soal Tentang Simple Past Tense Bahasa Inggris :

Supply with correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1.     Mr. Rahmad  (ask) all student to do experiment this morning.
2.     Tono (climb) mountain Merbabu two weeks ago.
3.     Dona  (forget) to do the homework this morning.
4.     My brother (write) me a letter yesterday.
5.     We (go) back to Semarang at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
6.     I  (have) very funny experience on my first day at school.
7.     My family and I (leave) for  Yogya at 7 o’clock yesterday morning.
8.     Tim  (visit) his uncle in  Palembang  on last holiday.
9.     Dina (not enjoy) the last Saturday party.
10.  The student (buy) some souvenirs on Bali last month.


  1. asked
  2. climbed
  3. forgot
  4. wrote
  5. went
  6. had
  7. left
  8. visited
  9. didn’t enjoy
  10. bought

Activity 11
Supply with correct to be ( was or were )
1.     The school …empty last Sunday.
2.     TV channels ….not as many as today.
3.     When my parents …in Medan  I didn’t come along.
4.     Last New Year eve the night…so bright.
5.     The students ……..sad after they got the bad news.
6.     My teacher...angry when I came late this morning.
7.     The post man knocked the door when we ……in dining room
8.     Tom …happy after he had finished his homework.
9.     It…. twelve at night when the rain down poured.
10.  My brother and I ….in village on holiday.


  1. was
  2. were
  3. were
  4. was
  5. were
  6. was
  7. were
  8. was
  9. was
  10. were

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